Our Guarantee

Our Guarantee

Because our artwork is custom made to order in limited edition series, we do not offer exchanges or refunds, except when the work arrives damaged. We guarantee every aspect of our work will be free of any defects in product or craftsmanship.

Before shipping, your artwork will be inspected against an eight-point checklist to ensure every aspect of the piece is exceptional.
Our limited edition canvas gallery artwork checklist ensures:

  • Colors and levels are precise
  • Frames are built to perfection
  • UV coating is applied evenly
  • No white spots are evident on the canvas
  • The canvas surface is smooth, except for typical canvas imperfections
  • Corners are folded tightly
  • Canvas is stretched perfectly
  • Prints are packed for shipping carefully

Our limited edition desk size metal prints are also hand inspected for any defects. Please note, however, that some blemished in the metal surface are typical in metal reproductions, but they should in no way affect the visual reproduction.

Please contact us if you have any questions about our guarantee.

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Explore the beauty of botanical imagery like you've never seen it before

Download David's 17-page mini catalog featuring his award-winning botanical images.


Printed Catalog

We'll mail you a complementary copy of David's 17-page mini catalog.

David Leaser is recognized as one of the world's leading fine art photographers and has won more awards than any living botanical photographer. His works hand in museums and galleries around the world, and in beautiful homes like yours.

"In his images, David creates fantastic, contemporary signs from nature's own high style. They become vibrant, nearly abstract mandalas."

- John Mendelsohn, art critic for Artnet